The story of Hazard’s Hop Water

Ryan Hansen knew he needed to be drinking less. With four kids and a full-time job, alcohol wasn’t really doing him any favors. During Dry January he was introduced to hop water but wasn’t thrilled with the flavor. As an expert home brewer, he decided to make his own.

After a few months of feedback from friends and tweaks to the recipe he finally had a non-alcoholic option that combined his love for the flavor of hops without any sugar, calories, or unnatural ingredients of other NA beverages.  

The idea to turn it into an actual business didn’t occur to him until one day, out on the golf course, when he had the light bulb moment. He imagined what it could do for his golf game if he had his hop water so he wouldn’t cross the line of a little buzzed to fully drunk.

So, he called Michael Wilson, whom he had worked with on other brewery consulting projects to see if he would help create a brand specifically for golfers. They put their heads together and Hazard’s was officially born.

But neither of them knew how to run an actual business, even though they had been around the beverage world for a very long time. Enter Grant Bettega. Grant is the numbers guy and the key to making sure that they could start and grow this business without taking on massive amounts of debt.

What started as a hobby has turned into a full-fledged business. The Hazard’s boys are on a mission to bring their delicious non-alcoholic sparkling hop water to golfers all over the country so they can relax and play better golf.

“We hope you enjoy drinking it as much as we enjoy making it.”

Our Mission

Our mission is make sparkling hop water that is meticulously crafted, healthy, and full of flavor to create a world where golfers no longer feel the pressure to drink and can consistently play better.

Our Principles

  • For the love of golf

  • Bigger flavor

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously

  • Enjoy the process

  • Stay true to your health goals